LCSRR1356-001 RFID USB Reader with HID Interface
AT Commands Reference Guide
When using the USB CDC mode all KTS RFID readers can be accessed via the serial interface using a AT commands set.
This document describes how to operate the devices in this mode.
HID: KTS readers operated in HID (keyboard emulation) mode are supported natively by common desktop and mobile operating systems. Additional drivers are not required for HID mode.
CDC: KTS readers operated in CDC mode require a driver in order to establish communication between the reader and the host computer.
KTS RFID USB readers are configured to HID mode per default. Prior to driver installation switch the reader to CDC mode using Tag2Image!
Drivers for KTS RFID Readers
These drivers enable the use of CDC mode (virtual COM port) with USB-connected KTS RFID readers.
Supported operating systems are: Windows VISTA, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 (all 32 and 64 Bit) as well as Windows 10 Core.